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Education and AI

August 3, 2023
Support Team
Education and AI

Artificial Intelligence has greatly influenced the way education is being handled around the globe. Learning methodologies in our technologically savvy era differ from those used a couple of years ago.

In view of this, we see huge opportunities for teachers to use these technologies to enhance their own teaching practice and professional experience. We recognize the potential of AI to accelerate the long overdue transformation of education systems towards inclusive learning that will prepare young people to thrive and shape a better future.

Our hope is that the advent of AI will spur educators, students, parents, and policy-makers to come together to consider what skills our students really need to navigate uncertainty, solve complex challenges and shape meaningful futures in a changing economy. This means, embracing the challenge to provide learning that fosters agency, awareness, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, connectedness, and well-being. We already see that AI tools deployed by well-trained and well-supported teachers can be invaluable for accelerating progress towards this vision. Tools like ChatGPT, can help promote students’ critical thinking when used in sophisticated ways for deeper, more engaged learning.

Another potential benefit is that AI can free up time in the classroom. Teachers often cite unmanageable administrative tasks as their greatest source of exhaustion and burnout. By automating routine administrative tasks, AI could help streamline teacher workflows, giving them more time to build relationships with students and foster their learning and development.

We see tremendous promise for AI to spur educators around the world to re-orient their energy away from routine administrative tasks towards accelerating students’ growth and learning, thus making teaching more fulfilling.

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